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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19928
This Months Entries: 19
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Most Active Members:
squiz (12 entries)
maker (7 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 41 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 25 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3152

24th January 2024
Windsurfing: Levington
Wind Direction: WSW
Wind Stength: 15/30
Surf / Sea State: river chop and smooth
Air Temperature: 10
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny periods
Max Speed: 20.10 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 14,50 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Wednesday 24th January – Windsurf *** River Orwell at Levington Marina – sunny periods and mild.

Foil – 20.10 knot max, 18.56 knot ave, 11.94 knot hour, 15.98 knot mile, 23.41 km., 15.38 knot alpha.

Starboard Freeride 150 and a Naish Nalu 4.75.

The second named storm in a week with Jocelyn passing over, we were woken in the night with 40 knot gusts and I was hoping things would ease down so I could go windsurfing again as it continues to be mild! I headed down to Levington after breakfast to make the most of high water dropping Mag off en-route to pick up the Granddaughter, the lovely Maeva for the day arriving at the marina around 9.30. I was pleased that I was able to park near the water by the marina entrance which makes things a lot easier and the foil board was quickly set-up, now sail choice, sadly the wind was wsw not the best direction for here as it chops the water up and becomes particularly gusty down towards Felixstowe docks, there looked a lot of wind in the middle of the river so took a chance with my 4.7 which was OK for the short but sweet session! With the wind gusting to 30 knots and a big swell running it was a challenging session but had some nice runs across the corner with some OK gybes too but it was tiring in the lumpy river and big gusts! So I decided to call it a day, pack up, shower and home to have a lovely afternoon with maeava, day off tomorrow but hope to get out on Friday:) I was surprised with todays speeds as it was a bit rough and windy to push things too hard but not cold.

Photo Album here

Toys Used:
Starboard  Freeride Foil 150
Naish Nalu 4.75
MK CPX carbon 150/210
Starboard  Evolution Freeride 95-1100-500-95



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